Credit Repair & Credit Reporting Correction Services
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If there are Mistakes on Your Credit Report… Our Credit Reporting Correction Services may be Right for You!
Many factors can lead to errors on your credit report. Identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in the world with over 50 million Americans have fallen victim which creates a lot of errors. Aside from identity theft issues, some other common mistakes can be the improper reporting of accounts on your reports such as paid accounts that are still reporting as open balances, or accounts past the statute of limitations for credit reporting of 7 years which still show on your reports. Any genuine error on your reports should be corrected but sometimes getting the credit bureaus to fix their mistakes is harder to do that it sounds.
It is worthy to note if you have less than satisfactory credit scores as a result of your accurate past credit history – unless they are mistakes – the notations will not be fixed to your liking. In other words, if you were actually late on payments and your reports are reporting you as late, that will not be fixable. If you have unpaid collections accounts which are really your debts and are still within the statute of limitations, these are not errors, and will not be removed. Credit repair is for fixing genuine errors, not for getting rid of negative notations on your credit report that are in fact accurate. If you have outstanding unpaid accounts, within the statute of limitations for your state, these accounts need to be paid off or settled for less than the full amount before they will report more favorably on your credit. For situations like this, please learn more about our Debt Settlement services to resolve the issues before the Credit Bureaus’ reporting can be addressed.
Affordable Credit Reporting Correction Services
Our Credit Reporting Correction Services service is not only extremely affordable but also provides our clients with access to their own highly trained debt lawyer that knows all the required steps to notify the Credit Bureaus within 24 business hours of being retained!
We have a staff of specialists who are well trained in the federal laws that protect our clients and their credit reports. Our Credit Reporting Correction Services are tedious and time-consuming, but they are known to get the results our clients desire. Disputes cannot all be handled at the same time or way and the proprietary process we have developed of years has proven itself over and over again.